Donate the Family Jewels
A lot of times money and time is tight but you still want to give back to a charity you care about. Now you can with Gramma's Jewelry!
You may not know what to do with Gramma’s left over trinkets of broken-down chains that cost more to repair than they’re worth these days. The Autism Today Foundation can turn your wonder into wonderment for people with autism and neurodiversity by offering a way for you to give back t.o a cause you care about.

As a gemologist and jewelry store owner for over 40 years, I got to thinking about what we could accept since cash is hard to come by these days. Some foundations accept old cars so a lightbulb went off in my head! Why not accept old jewelry?
Autism Today Foundation's mission is to move the needle of understanding and support for people with autism and neurodiversity fastest way possible, globally, by focusing on gifts, strengths and talents. We make the world a better more empathetic and accepting place for all people impacted by autism and neurodiversity through education and research.

What do you do with old jewelry?
You can fashion it into new jewelry which costs money in design costs and oftentimes adds more costs in gold and gems. You can gift it to your loved ones though they may think it’s out of style, you can try to sell it online or take it to a pawn shop where you will hardly get anything for it. Or, you can donate it to Autism Today Foundation and we will give you a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value. .
How much do people pay for typical jewelry appraisals?
An appraisal of a single item in 2024 costs anywhere from $75 – $150 depending on location which can really make it cost-prohibitive for many people to even find out how much their jewelry is worth. We all know how much time is worth these days and if you can imagine counting itty bitty items you can understand why the high cost.

Why a charitable tax receipt is so important to you?
You have a bottom line and if you are taking care of your own personal taxes you have items you can write off. This is why charitable tax receipts can help you, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket since you have donated to a charity.
Why you should never EVER pawn jewellery?
When you are desperate you can get taken advantage of, even if you do know what you have. Jewelry is no different. Pawn shops are in the business of getting their items as cheap as they possibly can. That’s their business model and how they make money.

Things to look for when considering a charity
Make sure the organization is currently listed through the proper authorities through the applicable governing bodies in the country you are in. Most importantly that the cause is important to you. Passion, purpose and connection is the reason why anyone and everyone should donate. It’s the backbone of any charitable cause.
Shipping Instructions
- Weigh the jewelry or heirlooms you wish to donate .
- Pack into a shipping box or container. Shipping boxes can be obtained at FedEx.
- Determine the amount you wish to insure the parcel for and ship to: Autism Today Foundation ℅ LK Imports 606 South Olive Street Los Angeles, California 90014
Our partner LK Imports has been in business since 1975. I have known the owner, Rajiv Agrawal since 1976 when we attended the prestigious Gemological Institute of America in Santa Monica, California in 1977 which is now in Carlsbad, California. Rajiv Agrawal will determine the fair market value as a trained gemologist. The Autism Today Foundation will give a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value.
Rajiv Agrawal, G.G., MBA and President of L.K. Imports is a long-time contributor in the gem industry and has been for many decades. Born in Jaipur India in a family entrenched in the gem business, he moved to Santa Monica, California USA to attend the Gemological Institute of America in 1976. He is a wholesale diamond and gemstone importer that cares about the trade. He has travelled many times globally to find the best sources for gems. He stands by his reputation of offering the best, high quality products and services to other jewelry industry leaders and wholesalers. Rajiv knows quality when he sees it and its value as well. Rajiv lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and visits regularly with his grandchildren.

Why you should donate to the Autism Today Foundation Canada
Your jewelry donation goes to help Autism Today Foundation, a 501c3 charity, build a knowledge- sharing platform that breaks down silos, offering a way for everyone’s voices to be heard. We are moving to create personal and organizational stories and knowledge so everyone is seen heard understood valued and appreciated, so the greatest good can be done. We also fund gaps in the industry such scholarships for teaching social skills through programs as well as accommodations for employment.
Fed Ex or Drop your donation at:
Autism Today Foundation
℅ LK Imports
606 South Olive Street
Los Angeles, California 90014
Autism Today Foundation will reimburse your shipping costs the following month if the fair market evaluation is over $400.00 USD or more. All currencies are in US dollars.